Lithuanian Museums’ Centre for Information, Digitisation and LIMIS has published the following booklets: |
Museums’ Digital Publications: Theory and Practice
Informational, methodical publication is intended for those Lithuanian museums’ specialists who, specifically, develop and administrate digital publications and, generally, work in the field of culture heritage digitisation as well as development, preservation and spread of digital content. The volume was compiled by the specialists of Lithuanian Museums’s Association and Lithuanian Museums’ Centre for Information, Digitisation and LIMIS. Most of the articles are based on presentations delivered during the seminars “How to Reach Maximum Effect Spreading Information about Digitised Museum Valuables on the Internet” and “How to Improve the Presentation of Museums’s Activities and Digitised Cultural Heritage with Minimal Financial Input” held on October 20, 2011 in Vilnius.
Editor: Danutė Mukienė
Text authors: Ernestas Adomaitis, Margarita Gaubytė, Marius Jonila, Giedrė Asin Marco, Danutė Mukienė, Donatas Saulevičius, Skaidra Vaicekauskienė, Donatas Vainilaitis, Andrius Valužis.
Publisher: Lithuanian Museums’ Association, 2011
Print: CJS printing house “Petro Ofsetas”
Print-run: 500
Publishing of the booklet was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania

Digitisation: Lithuanian museums 2010
This informational, methodical publication (handouts from the seminars) is intended for Lithuanian museums’ specialists, who already work or are on the brink of working in any of the fields of digitisation of cultural heritage as well as creation, preservation and spread of digital content.
The volume was compiled by Lithuanian Museums’ Centre for Information, Digitisation and LIMIS as part of the project “Skills Training Programme for Museum Staff Working in Exhibit Digitisation Field – 2010”.Editor: Danutė Mukienė
Text authors: Ernestas Adomaitis, Lauras Anusevičius, Justina Augustytė, Danutė Mukienė, Agnė Pulokaitė, Irmantė Rabačiauskaitė, Agnė Rymkevičiūtė, Donatas Saulevičius, Dalia Sirgedaitė, Giedrė Stankevičiūtė, Rasa Strolytė.
Graphic design: Indrė Aleliūnaitė-Kulbokė
Publisher: Lithuanian Art Museum, 2010
Print: CJS printing house “Petro Ofsetas”
Print-run: 500
Publishing of the booklet was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania |

The Digitisation of Museum Valuables: Theory and Practice
Publication introduces readership with survey results on Lithuanian museums’ participation in digitisation processes as well as national and international projects, and presents the conception of LIMIS. There are also printed out some main legitimate acts issued in Lithuania in recent years that are directly related to cultural heritage digitisation, i.e. “On the Confirmation of Lithuanian Cultural Heritage Digitisation Conception” (25 August, 2005) and “On the Confirmation of Strategy Concerning the Digitisation of Lithuanian Cultural Heritage, and the Preservation and Access of Digital Content ” both issued by the Government of Lithuania the latter also validating the strategy of the preservation and access of the digital content of the Lithuanian cultural heritage (2009) and a means for its implementation (20 May, 2009).Much of the publication is devoted to the theory and practice of cultural heritage digitisation on the international scene: it provides the specification of the Europeana Semantic Elements, presents ATHENA, ENRICH and CALIMERA projects as well as the Calimera Good Practice Guidelines; and also reviews how GETTY centre together with International Council of Museums (ICOM) works in the field of cultural heritage digitisation. All the articles for the publication were written by LM IDC LIMIS specialists.Editor: Danutė Mukienė
Text authors: Danutė Mukienė, Donatas Saulevičius, Dalia Sirgedaitė, Giedrė Stankevičiūtė
Graphic design: Indrė Aleliūnaitė
Publisher: Lithuanian Art Museum, 2009
Print: CJS printing house “Petro Ofsetas”
Print-run: 500
Publishing of the booklet was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania

The Digitisation of Museum Valuables
In the first publication, the summary of MINERVA Technical Guidelines for Digital Cultural Content Creation Programmes (Version 2.0, September 2008) as well as the most important facts on the European digital library “Europeana” are presented. Furthermore, it introduces Lithuanian readers with cultural heritage digitisation practice in the neighbourhood countries (Latvia and Estonia).The second part of the publication mostly deals with some methodical information necessary for daily practice: recommendations that are to be followed when writing texts to databases, recommendable parameters that are to be considered when making digital images, and also some technical specifications that digitisation equipment should meet. The booklet provides museum specialists with the information on what key fields will be included in exhibit descriptions and how the detailed description of an artwork will look like in the prospective Lithuanian Integral Museum Information System (LIMIS). In the publication there is also presented a list of exhibits and collections intended to be digitized as well as a review of possible fund sources for cultural heritage digitisation projects.Editor: Danutė Mukienė
Text authors: Ernestas Adomaitis, Vaidotas Aukštaitis, Skirmantė Kvietkauskienė, Danutė Mukienė, Laura Patiomkinaitė, Donatas Saulevičius, Dalia Sirgedaitė, Giedrė Stankevičiūtė
Graphic design: Indrė Aleliūnaitė
Publisher: Lithuanian Art Museum, 2009
Print: CJS printing house “Petro Ofsetas”
Print-run: 300
Publishing of the booklet was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania |